Silence Is Golden


The preceding period of peace and quiet has been brought to you by….  MY NEW COMPUTER!

No 100-word Flash Fiction, or even a WOW, this week.  They say that people begin to look like their pets.  Maybe, but my now-old computer was beginning to act far too much like me.  It was sated, stuffed, glutted, over-filled, crammed – over 900 blog-post files, and more pictures than an art gallery.

My poor, old H-P Compaq was almost 7 years old. I got it shortly after I began blogging, and even published a story about being without a computer for three days while it got trained.  Never terribly powerful to begin with, it has become subject to Moore’s Law, which says that power doubles every 2 years.

In dog– computer-years, it was…  let’s see.  Holy Crap, it’s pterodactyl-time.  The thing was older than me, practically prehistoric!  We considered adding more RAM and/or memory, but it would be like ‘souping up’ an old car.  We’d be putting soup in a sieve.  My new Acer has 10 times the process strength, and 2 terabytes of memory.

The old Compaq was like me after a big meal, just sitting there, mumbling to itself, and not really accomplishing anything.  I asked the son to have it do a complete security scan, when he arrived home in the morning.  We wouldn’t be getting out of bed for 2 or 3 hours.

On his computer, that would take an hour/hour-and-a-half.  Like a contented cow chewing its cud, it sat there, happily burbling away for over 9 ½ hours, stealing most of a day’s work time from me.  Finally – ‘Can I go to WordPress now?’  Moooo.

It’s been another 3 days without a computer, and I’m getting trained on lots of new (to me) computer tricks.  I know enough to be able to retrieve Word files, and publish them on my blogsite.  My new electronic best-friend is doing things much quicker.  Just don’t expect the quality of the posts to improve.  By Monday we’ll be back on schedule with the A To Z – Challenge post for the letter C.  I hope to C you there.  🙂

6 thoughts on “Silence Is Golden

  1. Kenneth T. says:

    Nice photo.
    Maybe I’ll pull my Apple IIE out of mothballs long enough to get a picture or two.
    I remember the days.


    • Archon's Den says:

      I’ve been playing with computers for 30 years or so, longer than many fellow-bloggers have been alive. I started too old. I’ve learned many things, but there’s a lot that I still don’t know. I told the young techie guy at the plant that I owned Fred Flintstone’s computer. If you lifted the top, there was a little guy inside with a hammer and chisel. 😛

      Liked by 2 people

  2. 1jaded1 says:

    The thing is that silence isn’t golden with respect to your posts. Call me selfish.


  3. BrainRants says:

    This sounds like you upgraded from an abacus.


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