Flash Fiction #171

Adam and Eve

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields


What kind of tree did you say that one is??  A fig tree??  Nah, that can’t be right.  A fig tree should have leaves as big as palm fronds.

Well, in the Bible, it says that Adam and Eve were naked and ashamed, so they made clothing from fig leaves, and covered themselves.

I don’t know how well…. endowed Adam was, but those leaves wouldn’t cover a beauty spot.  Make concealing clothing from those tiny leaves?  I don’t really think so.  They’re more like the sequins on a high school girl’s prom dress and they’d cover just about as much.


Go to Rochelle’s Addicted to Purple site and use her Wednesday photo as a prompt to write a complete 100 word story

Friday Fictioneers

13 thoughts on “Flash Fiction #171

  1. James McEwan says:

    I must admit I laughed, your characters seemed a bit mixed up as what to wear. As for Adam, well he must have been well endowed to beget mankind. Yew trees were once planted in church yards, and I note this building has been recently renovated – clean stone work. The Yew tree has religious symbolism about mortality as well as growing poisonous berries.
    I digress, fun read.


  2. Ha, cute story and a fun take on the prompt. Nice job.


  3. Dale says:

    I love your most original and funny take, Archon!


    • Archon's Den says:

      Thank you, kind lady. 🙂
      Being a creature of posting habit, whether I mange to compose a suitable post by 4 or 5 AM on Wednesday, shortly after Rochelle puts hers up, or, like this week, when I’m desperately scrambling to finish at 12:45 AM, Friday morning, I always publish at 1:00 AM. This usually puts me between number 60, and 65.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. granonine says:

    I’ve always wondered how long it took A&E to figure out to use the smooth side of the leaves against their skin, and not the bristly, sticky other side 🙂


  5. lisarey1990 says:

    Cute story.Very original too.


  6. Imaginative take on the prompt – an entertaining tale.


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