Flash Fiction #188


PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot


His grandfather had this house built, over a century ago. It had been a proud mansion, 2-1/2 stories of fieldstone, a mile and a half from town, dwarfing nearby one-story wooden farm houses.

Times changed. Commerce changed. Businesses started up, and workers moved in. The city changed. Steadily it bloated out towards him, into pristine Mennonite farmland.

Now, the house was the last of its kind, on a busy street, a Lilliputian, towered over by apartment buildings. Developers constantly hounded him to sell. He would mourn the loss of his heritage, but it was time to surrender and move on.



Go to Rochelle’s Addicted to Purple site and use her Wednesday photo as a prompt to write a complete 100 word story.


Friday Fictioneers

13 thoughts on “Flash Fiction #188

  1. Changes have to be accepted to move forward yes!
    Nice one! 🙂


  2. granonine says:

    Nicely told, true in so many times and places.


    • Archon's Den says:

      It’s an ongoing problem in Waterloo, Ontario, our twin city. There’s one magnificent house left, in a two block stretch, amid a forest of sunshine-blocking, 15/20 storey apartment blocks. Rochelle’s photo suggested the owner’s quandary. Had I the time, I might have driven up, to take and post, a matching picture. 😦

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Dale says:

    This happens so often in so many areas…
    Well done, sir!


  4. draliman says:

    A beautiful description of changing times, as the once proud behemoth of a mansion becomes a minnow surrounded by the giants of the modern age.


  5. Some call it progress. Delightfully different.

    My story – ‘This way that way!’


  6. Jade Li says:

    Some things need to be preserved. New and improved paves the way to rootlessness many times.


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