Flash Fiction #203


PHOTO PROMPT © J Hardy Carroll


Roger, where’s my briefcase?

Uhhh, on your desk??!

No, it’s not.

On the kitchen table??

I looked there. I gave it to you to carry in from the car. Where did you put it?

Front hall??

It’s got important papers, a report that needs to be finished or I could get fired.
I look to Heaven and plead, ‘Where is my….’
Why is it on the skylight???

Oh yeah! I wondered if I could throw it over the house. Musta landed there.

Get the ladder, and get it down, safely! Gahh – teenagers! Honey, could we trade him for a gerbil?


Go to Rochelle’s Addicted to Purple site and use her Wednesday photo as a prompt to write a complete 100 word story.

Friday Fictioneers

17 thoughts on “Flash Fiction #203

  1. Hah teenagers! Love the humour in your writing.


  2. That’s them alright! I’m cringing because I am not there yet with my child. Lots to look forward to…


  3. Kids do the craziest things – and so did we when we were their age!

    Here’s my story.


  4. msjadeli says:

    Sounds exactly like what a teenager would do!


  5. Dale says:

    They do make our lives… uhhh… entertaining, eh?


  6. Liz Young says:

    And he was such a cute baby!


  7. granonine says:

    Well, but a gerbil couldn’t possibly fetch your briefcase 🙂


    • Archon's Den says:

      But a gerbil would be smart enough not to have put it up there in the first place.
      Someone said that giving birth causes amnesia. Women look at that cute little bundle…. and forget all about the pain and suffering they went through. Some teenagers can remind you. 😯

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Abhijit Ray says:

    The teenage son needs some disciplining. Why would someone throw a briefcase over the house? That too not his briefcase in the first place!


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