Jesus!  More One-Liners??!

I found $20 in a parking lot today, and I thought, What Would Jesus Do?….
….so I turned it into wine.

You know what borders on stupidity?….
….Canada and Mexico

My wife bought me a 2021 calendar….
….My days are numbered now.

Neutering your pets….
….makes them less nuts

Helvetica and Times New Roman walk into a bar….
….”Get Out Of Here!” shouts the bartender, “We don’t serve your type.”

Hear about the new restaurant, named Karma?….
….There’s no menu.  You get what you deserve.

How do you drown a hipster?….
….Throw him in the mainstream.

Why did the hipster burn his mouth?….
….He drank coffee before it was cool.

What kind of exercise do lazy people do?….

I got my wife a fridge for her birthday….
….I can’t wait to see her face light up when she opens it.

Don’t try to write with a broken pencil….
….It’s pointless.

I was gonna tell a pizza joke….
….but it’s too cheesy.

My wife complained that I didn’t buy her flowers….
….To be honest, I didn’t know she sold flowers.

I’m a social vegan….
….I avoid meet

My math teacher called me average….
….How mean!

….I thought you said pie and lattes.

I told my wife that a husband ages like wine.  We get better with age….
….Then she locked me in the cellar.

I’ll tell you what often gets overlooked….
….Garden fences

Don’t start any vast projects….
….with half-vast ideas

Ever wonder if illiterate people….
….get the full effect of alphabet soup?

How was Rome split in two?….
….With a pair of Caesars….
….Nope!  Unintended.

What happens when you play a country song backwards?….
….It gets even more annoying

Be strong….
….I whispered to my Wi-Fi signal

I ran out of toilet paper and had to use newspaper….
….Times are rough

I have a split personality….
….Said Tom, being frank

I failed Math in high school so many times….
….I can’t even count

I used to have a handle on life….
….But then it broke

Don’t you hate it when someone answers their own questions?….
….I do.

It takes a lot of balls….
….To golf the way I do

People who use selfie-sticks….
….Need to take a good, long look at themselves.


13 thoughts on “Jesus!  More One-Liners??!

  1. shimoniac says:

    Someone asked me “What would Jesus do?” I answered, “Probably bitch-slap you, and tell you to stop bothering Him.” For some reason, she got upset.


  2. Rivergirl says:

    Ha! I’ve been working hard at diddly squats ever since the pandemic started.


  3. I waited until Thursday to read them this week. Thanks again.


    • Archon's Den says:

      It took till Thursday, for you to find time to read Monday’s comedy??! :?You must be a busy little beaver. Do they have beavers down there? Maybe you’re a woodchuck, or a squirrel.

      If you get much later, you’ll be coming up behind the next batch as I publish them…. Which reminds me of the hot-shot lawyer that a Catholic Diocese hired. He got a charge of sodomy reduced to ‘following too close.’ 😳

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Aadya singh says:

    Loved this one:
    Hear about the new restaurant, named Karma?….
    ….There’s no menu. You get what you deserve.

    These are some good one liners.

    Liked by 1 person

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