Tell Me If You’ve Heard This One – V

Agon (noun) [AH-gahn]
Conflict, especially the dramatic conflict between the main characters in a literary work.
The family feud in “Romeo and Juliette” is a famous agon.

Billow (verb) [BIL-oh]
to swell up, to puff out, as by the action of wind
Held by two men, the flag billowed within their grasp as though it could unfurl any moment.

Clishmaclaver (noun) [klish-muh-kley-ver, kleesh]
Scottish: gossip, idle or foolish talk
There was no way that Robbie Burns Day would be cancelled.  It was utter clishmaclaver.

Ekistics (noun) [ih-kis-tiks]
The scientific study of human settlements, drawing on diverse disciplines, including architecture, city planning, and behavioral science.
(Look out!  Big Brother is watching you.)

Gewgaw (noun) [gyoo-gaw, goo]
Something gaudy and useless, trinket, bauble
The tourist market was filled with nothing but counterfeit handbags and gewgaws – objects that no-one really wanted

Gleek (verb) [gleek]
Archaic: To make a joke, to jest
First recorded 1540 – 50, of uncertain origin  (Let’s Blame the Scots.)
In Shakespearean plays, joking was referred to as gleeking

Impecunious (adjective) [im-pi-kyoo-nee-uh s]
Having little or no money, penniless, poor
The dot-com crash left him impecunious, with not a cent to his name.

Moira (noun) [moy-ruh]
A person’s fate or destiny
She believed that it was her moira to win a gold Olympic medal.

Naissance (noun) [ney-suh ns]
A birth, an organization, or a growth, as that of a person, an organization, an idea, or a movement.
The naissance of the Civil Rights Movement occurred on college campuses.

Pilgarlic (noun) [pil-gahr-lik]
A person regarded with mild or pretended contempt or pity
Chris was a bit of a pilgarlic, untrusted and untrustworthy.

Pyknic (adjective) [pik-nik]
Characterised by shortness of stature, broadness of girth, and powerful musculature
Even though he had a pyknic build – short and stocky – he was well-known for his brute strength.

Remonstrate (verb) [ri-mon-streyt]
To say or plead in protest, objection, or disapproval
The decision to trade the popular player caused many fans to remonstrate.

Shimony – also Simony (noun)  [sehy-muh-nee, sim-uh]
the making of profit out of sacred things.
the sin of buying or selling ecclesiastical preferments, benefices, etc.
1175–1225; Middle English simonie <Late Latin simōnia; so called from Simon Magus, who tried to purchase apostolic powers; see Simon (def. 5)-y3
This is the word which my son, Shimoniac, bases his online identity on.

Whatsis (noun) [hwuhts-iss, hwots-,wuhts-, wots-]
A thing or object whose name one does not know, or cannot recall
Having momentarily forgotten the word for “stapler,” he asked his colleague to bring him the whatsis.

Word is, there’ll be another great post in a couple of days.  See you there.  Don’t be late.  You know how grumpy my ego can get, if it hasn’t been fed.  👿

11 thoughts on “Tell Me If You’ve Heard This One – V

  1. Newbloggycat says:

    🤔???? Yup…utter clishmaclaver! 😝😂😂😂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Archon's Den says:

      Scotland has never been the world’s cultural capital. Other than growing oats, herding sheep, and fighting among themselves, and with others, my ancestors had nothing better to do than make up words. Some of them pole-vaulted over Hadrian’s Wall, and took root in the English language. While mildly amusing, this word was not one of the better examples. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Rivergirl says:

    I’m 50%…. 7 for 14 today. Good group!


  3. 1jaded1 says:

    I did know some of these but not all. Thank you for increasing my vocabulary!


  4. Jim Wheeler says:

    “Speak English!” said the Eaglet. “I don’t know the meaning of half those long words, and, what’s more, I don’t believe you do either!” – Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, (Chapter 3, A Caucus-Race and a Long Tale)


    • Archon's Den says:

      It is a sad commentary on the American public, that large portions of it regard intelligence and education with antipathy and distrust.
      Many of these words were not all that long. I was surprised that the woman’s name, Moira, had the meaning of fate, or destiny, but then, many/most names have meanings. 😀


  5. Daniel Digby says:

    In the South, the word is googaw, and I think everyone enjoys eating out of a pyknic basket.

    Digressing, I’ve always liked the following lines from “Trial by Jury”:

    “When I, good friends, was call’d to the bar
    I’d an appetite fresh and hearty
    But I was, as many young barristers are
    An impecunious party…

    But I soon got tired of third-class journeys
    And dinners of bread and water
    So I fell in love with a rich attorney’s
    Elderly, ugly daughter.”

    As always, thanks for the vocabulary list; I feel like I’m back in Spanish or Mandarin class.


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