’24 A To Z Challenge – F

Fee, Fie, Foe, F**k
I smell the scent of a French-fry truck.

I am famished!
I want some food.
I want it soon
I want it in a hurry
I want some food – fast.
I want some fast-food.
But most of all, I want some food at no cost, because


is my favorite flavor.
Sadly, as Robert Heinlein said, TANSTAAFL.
There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.

Everything comes at a cost.  Like the sign in many a truck says, “Ass, gas or grass – Nobody rides free.”

Now that I’ve doled out all this folksy lore, BUCKSHEE – a term I picked up from a Newfie, deriving from the Indian expression, baksheesh – a tip, present, gratuity, or alms – roughly speaking, fer free – I would appreciate it if you paid me back with some visits, likes and comments.   😀