
In my recent My First Time post, I showed pictures of a little three-finger skinner knife I won.  My chiropractor also has an interest in knives, especially the expensive Art Knives.  I let him read my Knives Illustrated magazines after I am finished with them.

He also regularly reads my posts, so I knew that he had seen the photos of the knife, but the next time we went to see him, I took along the knife and sheath for him to handle.  When I went to put it back in the night-table drawer it came out of, I took a close look, and realized how many odd knives I had tucked away over the years.


This is a hunter/skinner made by Queen Cutlery of Titusville PA.  Knowing of my interest in knives, my Father picked this out at random at a flea market in Florida one winter.


Walking through a small park one day, I came upon this cheap Pakistani dagger just lying on the ground with no-one anywhere near.  Ensuring that there was no blood on it, indicating that it wasn’t involved in a crime, I picked it up and brought it home.


This is the little kitchen/paring knife that the wife purchased at the Fall Knife Show in Detroit about two years ago.  It came with the sheath, which hides in the drawer, but it resides in the knife block.  Its blade is made of 5100 tool steel – the alloy that many ball bearings are made from.  This one started as a 1 inch diameter ball.  The extra-thick handle which helps the wife’s weak grip is Rosewood, and the belly of the blade makes cutting easier.



This knife is Japanese-made for the North American tourist trade.  The brass handle is molded to show Indians hunting wolves from a canoe with a bow and arrow on one side, and a white explorer shooting moose on the other.  Heavy as original sin, I wouldn’t want to carry it in a pocket, and it won’t take or hold an edge any better than the piece of Paki crap above.


This was sold as an ‘Airport Knife’ after 9/11.  Made from rigid thermoplastic, it will not set off metal detectors.  It has a flat ‘grind’ on one side only.  One edge is plain, while the other has serrations.  The circle at the haft has thumb-ridges to prevent slipping and increase control.   While not razor-sharp, it will inflict a lot of damage.


This is a bartender’s knife, with a bottle opener, a lid pryer, a corkscrew, and a small blade for opening boxes and cutting seals and corks.


This is a small two-blade, advertising, pen knife.  While this type of knife holds no interest for me, I have seen people’s collections with hundreds of brands on these things.


This is a trick knife.  You can’t open it unless you know the secret.  The blade has no thumb nick.  Where the blade joins the handle, there is a small indent and a ball bearing.  The blade closes as far as you see in the photo, then you invert it and squeeze it closed.  The ball bearing rolls into the slot and locks the blade closed.  Even if you can grasp it tightly enough, it will not release.  Turn it up the other way and squeeze again, and it pops open.


This is a small box-cutter type knife.  I should have photographed it next to a ruler, to show size.  It’s about as big as your little finger.  It has a plastic snap at the end of its lanyard, indicating it may have come on a carry-bag or piece of luggage, but after 9/11 it can’t fly on airplanes, even though it’s dangerous only to creatures smaller than a bumblebee.  I think someone disconnected it and dropped it.  I found it on a floor.


This is the smallest knife I own – even though it’s the wife’s.  She got it at a Detroit knife show about five years ago, the first time we took the grandson with us.  I was smart enough to photograph this one beside a ruler, and the Queen hunter, to show size, about an inch long, closed, with a chain and ring for wallet or key chain.   This one is factory made.  Some makers build miniatures, both straight knives and folders like this.  They can be made from scrap pieces, but the amount of labor is at least as much as with a full-sized knife.  They can cost as much as their big brothers, so there’s a small market for small knives.


This is a railway spike knife, and a spike like the one it was made from.  They are sold as paperweights/letter openers, because the percentage of carbon in the steel is so low that, like the crap above, they won’t take or hold an edge.  These weren’t hidden in the drawer.  I keep them out on display.  I have several other knives on display but….perhaps another day.


17 thoughts on “Leftovers

  1. 1jaded1 says:

    I like the trick one and the tiny one. Nice collection, Archon.


  2. What a fun collection! If these are the “discards” I would love to see your “prizes!”


  3. Dan Antion says:

    Nice specimens. Thanks for the descriptions.


    • Archon's Den says:

      As Suzanne (below) says, they’re ‘interesting’ proof of my unorganized mind. Real knife-nuts can tell you the day of the week they were completed, and the name of the FedEx driver who delivered the steel. I settle for less, but more-basic information. 😉


  4. That’s an interesting collection, Archon.


  5. BrainRants says:

    That rosewood-handled paring knife looks perfect. Bet it holds a nice edge, too. They guy who made it must have some skill.


  6. Jim Wheeler says:

    I found the “airport knife” of particular interest, Archon. The Department of Homeland Security (papers, please!) very nearly did the right thing and allowed small penknives on flights, but the flight attendants’ union wanted some respect and had a hissy fit over it, never mind the armored cockpit doors or ball-point pens that can gouge out an eye.

    When we took a flight a month ago the TSA confiscated my little Swiss Army penknife, not because it set off alarms but because the guy saw it when I was switching my keys to another pocket. It is so much a part of me and we fly so infrequently that I forgot about it. In addition to the blade it had scissors, screw driver (2), file, tweezers, bottle-cap opener, and a plastic “toothpick”. My replacement ($32.00!!) has a ball point pen in place of the toothpick.

    My memories of my father include his common habit of always having a small knife. Hard to think of anything more versatile than that basic tool – there’s no such thing in nature.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Archon's Den says:

    My condolences about the loss of your Swiss Army knife. I remember three years ago, when we first discussed knives, you mentioned that you had it, almost identical to one the son carries.
    Was the replacement, with the ballpoint, by your choice, or was one with a toothpick not available. I’m going to research, but I’m sure they’re still made.
    Knives have been useful tools (as opposed to the useless tools in TSA) since we found that we could bang certain rocks together and get a sharp edge, like the daughter’s knife. 😯


    • Jim Wheeler says:

      The hardware store that sold them didn’t have one with the toothpick, but I have to say I never used the toothpick to, uh, pick my teeth. I think it used it as a probe a couple of times, but I’m satisfied to have the pen as a backup. You may find this amusing, but when I bought it I thought the pen was a probe and only realized what it was when I was playing with it and it accidentally marked my hand!
      The Swiss Army people have pretty-much perfected the product, seems to me. 🙂


  8. […] a year ago, I published a post titled Leftovers, where I showed and described some of the odd knives I had accumulated over the years. To get rid […]


  9. […] turned it over, to discover that it was a tiny folding pocket knife.  I published a post about the Leftovers knives that I possess, and later, made Hash with the ones that remained.  This is how I got some of them […]


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