

A skeptic is a thinker, not a blind believer, but you already know that.

I laugh when ‘they’ use the word -or the term- to characterize someone who happens to have a different opinion, or point of view from them.  It’s obvious, that is the whole purpose of this, isn’t it?  Seize the definition, and then prove it wrong.

It’s wonderful to be a Skeptic, but who isn’t?  Unfortunately, far too many, who farm out and subcontract others to do their thinking for them.  But fortunately, we still have the right to think whatever we want, whatever we like, whatever we wish, the most wonderful nonsense, the most brilliant ideas.

We need to continue to fight for the right to be skeptics. So, dear journalists and assorted religious nuts, you’d better use some other words.  Like “controversialist,” “dissenter,” “arguer,” “questioner,” etc.

Freedom of thought, freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom of religion – including freedom FROM religion, freedom of action – as long as it harms no-one else. As Braveheart, William Wallace, said, FREEDOM. I am not skeptical about that.

Just be careful not to topple over the edge to Cynic. I’ve seen some militant Atheists – actually anti-Theists – interviewed, and asked, “If you were presented with proof of the Christian God, would you believe?” And they answer, “NO!” That is just foolish, rebellious cynicism. Believe what you want, but have a good reason for it.

20 thoughts on “Skeptic

  1. Nice post. Skepticism is a great thing. I like how you made the distinction between skeptic and cynic. You gave a good example of people who are asked if they were presented proof for the Christian God and would reply “No!” They still wouldn’t believe even if they were shown proof. When I get into a religious discussion with an atheist I usually start with the question, “If there is a God, would you want to know?” The answer is usually, “No.” When I hear that answer, I know that I’m talking to someone who wants to stay blind. This person does not care about reality, but only about maintaining his own version of reality. I’m glad you are making the distinction. To get the truth about reality we have to want the truth. We have to want the truth more than we want our own happiness or our own comfort. The truth can be very uncomfortable.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Archon's Den says:

      Saint Dillahunty has shown me the real truth. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      • If you believe Matt Dillahunty, you aren’t nearly as skeptical as you should be.


      • Archon's Den says:

        I have never caught Matt in a deliberate lie, nor a Biblical or theological error. On the other hand, I have seen/heard hundreds of religious make ridiculous, unproven statements which would have to be one or the other. The one which most disturbed me was the Christian who couldn’t prove his claim, and threatened to come down to the studio, and punch Matt’s big fat face in, for Jesus! 😯

        Liked by 1 person

      • Matt Dillahunty may be honest, and maybe he doesn’t err in his presentation of a viewpoint, but that doesn’t make his worldview correct. Similarly, their may be Christians who make many errors in theology, act deceptively, or even violently. That doesn’t mean that their worldview is wrong. There are lots of honest and sincere people who are sincerely wrong. We must consider the ideas being presented, not the presenter. Thanks!


      • Archon's Den says:

        I rather doubt that. 😳


  2. Rivergirl says:

    I have a healthy dose of skepticism for just about everything. Drives my husband nuts, but it’s served me well over the years.


  3. Outosego says:

    Thank you for reading me, and for adding few of your thoughts next to mine. Take care.


  4. jim- says:

    On the other hand, if there was proof you wouldn’t need to believe, but I get your point. Certainly if there was proof I would join the religion.
    Curious why, if Jesus really was who he said and was standing amongst them resurrected, why they had to jump to faith?


    • Archon's Den says:

      I would say, ‘that’s all Atheists ask for’ but, in absence of proof, they ask many other things.
      It’s curious, Jews can say they don’t believe Christians, Muslims can say they don’t believe them, Buddhists can say they don’t believe, Shinto can say they don’t believe…. and Christians shrug and walk away – but let an Atheist deny their claims, and the Holy shit hits the fan. 👿

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, for me it is true. Somehow it doesn’t bother me when Muslims and others disagree, but atheism is annoying. I guess is because I can find some logic in Islam. I can find some truth in most religions. But atheism requires the suspension of all logic and reason. It is maddening to talk with people who have given themselves over to the most unreasonable of worldviews.


      • Archon's Den says:

        By percentage, there are as many stupid, deluded, mistaken, misinformed people who claim to be Atheists, as there are who claim to be Christians.
        I hate to raise the ‘No True Scotsman’ analogy, but if you hate God for a real or imagined hurt, or reject Him so that you can live outside His rules, by definition, you’re not an Atheist. The good news for Christians is that there may be far fewer real Atheists than they fear. The bad news is that there are more heretics and apostates.
        Real Atheism is merely a rejection of any and all unproven claims for the existence of God. Often this is at the core of a belief system which actually has nothing to do with the central lack of belief.
        I have not been able to find any among your posts, so I would be interested to hear of any claims made by (purported) Atheists, which you feel require the suspension of logic and reason. 🙂


      • Hi Archon’s Den,
        Thanks for your response. The reason you can’t find any atheists commenting on my posts is that almost no one comments on my posts :)- not on word press anyway. I think you are the first person who ever gave me a comment on word press. But I do talk to many atheists on youtube and in real life. It is interesting to me that you reject the only reasonable form of atheism. I understand how people can disassociate from God because of pain. But i can’t comprehend how someone can be scientific, logical, AND claim lack of evidence as their reason for atheism. Thanks!


  5. RaPaR says:

    Critical analysis is the enemy of faith and the final nail in the coffin of blind faith. Simply put, “faith” is the belief in something for which there is no credible evidence. The purveyors of such nonsense are actually HOPING that it doesn’t peak your curiosity too much less you investigate and the con is revealed.

    Nice post…..


  6. Jim Wheeler says:

    Isn’t it interesting that there are some scientists who are religious?


    • Archon's Den says:

      This goes back to my post about cognitive dissonance.
      I think that my head would explode if I tried to hold two simultaneous, opposing opinions.
      I just read a post from a woman who was ‘questioning.’ She apparently didn’t want to call herself an Atheist. She plainly stated that she didn’t believe in God – but wanted to remain in her faith. She still wanted to go to church, to be with her friends and family. I can understand the socially supportive aspect. But she still wanted to pray!!? To Who?? To what??
      Who hosted that old TV program, ‘People Are Funny?’ 🙄


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