’24 A To Z Challenge – G

No matter where you go – There you are!

I’d have published this post earlier, but my Procrastinators Anonymous meeting started late.  😮

Johnny Cash sang, I’ve Been Everywhere.  I/we never had the time or money to be everywhere, but I’ve been to a number of interesting places.  Before I retired, I went with my brother, and swam in the ocean at Tampa, Key West, and Daytona Beach.  I took the wife, and swam at Myrtle Beach, and Charleston.  I told a Canadian Snowbird that I’d visited Myrtle Beach, and he asked me if I was into golf or tattoos.  Every third store on the main drag sells either golf equipment, tattoos, or printed tee-shirts – often about either golf or tattoos.

I’ve said that I had to retire, just to have the time to drive the wife and I, and daughter, to all our medical appointments.  Take last week – Please!  Monday I went to the hospital for a bone density scan.  Tuesday, the wife and I went to our Osteopath.  Wednesday was only a trip to a big mall, so that the wife could purchase a newer, better, smarter, more powerful, cell phone.  She had it for three days before she lost it!  😦  We got it back, but I’m going to have to keep a closer eye on her.

Thursday, I took the daughter and wife to their podiatrist.  Friday I drove the daughter and her little dog 15 miles to our veterinarian.  On Saturday, we went to a local German Club to celebrate the wife’s brother’s 80th birthday – a reminder that mine is looming on the horizon.  Sunday was a trip to the downtown park to get Ethiopian food at the Multicultural Festival.

This ‘getting old’ is not for the faint of heart.  I have learned to


  1. to wander about, seeking pleasure or diversion; gad.
  2. to go about frivolously and publicly with multiple romantic partners.

This week looks to be just as busy.   We have a chiropractor appointment.  I get a quiet afternoon while the wife gallivants for coffee with her ex-co-worker girlfriend.  We take the daughter with us for our monthly Costco restocking jaunt, and the wife and I hit several stores, including a pet store, for things Costco doesn’t carry.

Next week includes a trip back to a Toronto hospital for a final checkup on the wife’s last year’s abdominal surgery.  The first time, I made the mistake of driving.  We quickly got smart, and subsequent trips were by commuter train.  Easy-Peasy!  A 90-minute train ride to Union Station, and a 5 minute cab ride to the hospital.

On our second trip, we got back to the rail depot, carefully read the electronic schedule, and got on a train listed to go home to “Kitchener.”  Fifteen miles in the wrong direction, a comment made the conductor inform us that we were on the wrong train, despite what the schedule had said.  It wasn’t just us.  Another rider insisted that he too wanted to get to Kitchener, and a third said that he’d seen the same thing occur the week before.  Travelling without purpose – this is where the Gallivanting kicks in.

I’m still hoping to work in a trip to the metro-Toronto IKEA store for an exciting tour of their food court, but we’ve been so busy, we haven’t even had time to do a McDonalds drive-thru.  How about you??  Have you been able to gallivant??  😕

6 thoughts on “’24 A To Z Challenge – G

  1. Well … if gallivanting includes fleeing the house twice due to the heat (and insufficient A/C), plus a trip to a new doctor tomorrow (with a hopeful side trip to our favourite Mexican place – not TackyPlacky or whatever that was called), and who knows where during the coming week for plumbing parts for our failing water system, then yeah, we are gallivanting our butts off! At this rate, the only vacation we’ll get this year is when you stop in to terrorise …. er, delight us later this year. 😉

    Though I did learn where my birthday in 2025 will take us – Philadelphia. (Why the heck there? -ed.) I found out there is a Stooge Museum there, with over 100,000 items of Stooges Memorabilia. If everything works out, maybe we could take the trip early, with you and the missus joining us? I can just see it – me in Stooge Heaven, dragging you along, while the wives plot our imminent demises. Family fun! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Newbloggycat says:

    Ahhh I see you have been galli-venting 😅😆. Wow that’s quite a lot of travel for medical appointments. In the 90s, I used to take leave from work to take mom and dad for medical appointments until dad passed away in 2001. My mom is now 88 and she’s staying with my brother in Singapore. Guess it’s my brother’s turn to go gallivanting with mom 😅

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Rivergirl says:

    Your idea of gallivanting and mind differ slightly. Mine contains less doctors… and more alcohol.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Your train ride reminds me of a near mishap coming back from Amsterdam. There had been a national transport strike and it was imperative we got the midday ferry. Once back in the UK (just in time for our connections) we got on and off the wrong train quickly elsse we would have missed the final train home!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Archon's Den says:

      A little heart-stopping, but I’m happy you made your connection. 😀 We didn’t. With the wife on a walker, and me with sciatica and arthritis in the hips, we had to walk about a half-mile to catch a subway back to the station. Another quarter-mile walk to the train side of the depot – we’d spent almost an hour, and missed the train we’d intended, and had to wait an hour for the next one. We registered an email complaint, but I don’t know what the problem was, or if it’s been corrected. There are attendants to assist. We’ll rely on them, and prior computer research for the correct time and track. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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