Flash Fiction #11


Old Warrior

He had known that she had a strong mind, and a sharp tongue, when he’d agreed to marry her.

They also serve, who only stand and wait, but he was a valiant warrior.  He should be defending his king, not following her with a wicker basket like a greengrocer, while she prowled the peasants’ market.

Beothuk, stand there!  Beothuk, remain for me here.  He could almost feel his joints seizing, and his muscles turning to stone.  If he remained unmoving much longer, he was sure that moss would begin to grow on him, and he would become but a statue….


Go to Rochelle’s Addicted to Purple site.  Use her Wednesday picture as a prompt to write a complete 100 word story.

18 thoughts on “Flash Fiction #11

  1. 1jaded1 says:

    …and it did…and he did! Great take.


  2. Lovely take on the prompt. A hen-pecked warrior. Loved this.


  3. aFrankAngle says:

    Definitely Archonion style …. well, with a dose of Erickson in there. Well done!!!!


  4. Tina says:

    very good take on the prompt.


  5. Dear A.D.

    Poor Beothuk. Henpecked warrior. I could feel his pain. Well done.




  6. Nan Falkner says:

    Dear Archon’s Den, Great story and I love the comment that you would love to say this was based on you, but that your wife wouldn’t let you. What a hoot – you and my husband have similar stories I’m sure! Good job! Nan 🙂


    • Archon's Den says:

      At the gates of Heaven, there are two doors. One says, “For husbands who were henpecked.” and there are hundreds lined up. The other says, “For husbands who were not henpecked.” and there is no-one. Suddenly a dweeby little guy sidles up to it. St. Peter asks him, “Why did you come to this door?” He replies, “My wife told me to.” 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Archon, Very good and amusing story. A henpecked warrior; what a sad state of affairs. This would be “happily ever after” for the wife, but doubtful for the husband. He must be patiently waiting for the next war. Well written. 🙂 —Susan


    • Archon's Den says:

      Happy to amuse you. There’ll be war at home, if he doesn’t wait patiently. I know I’m a crazy night-owl but, might I ask where (in general) you comment from, that you arrive here at 3:28 AM? 😕


  8. I just have to say that I’m relishing the Flash Fictions, just as you anticipated. This one is nicely creative…


    • Archon's Den says:

      I appreciate your appreciation. Like a steer, I can only try. There’ll be another one posted a little later tonight, after the moon goes over Miami….or the sun goes over the yardarm. 😆


  9. […] uncomplainingly drives her around and patiently waits for her.  He is the inspiration for my Beothuk Flash Fiction.  I don’t know why he hasn’t smothered her, or slashed her wrists with a sharpened credit […]


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