Flash Fiction #75

Dr. Who

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot


Oy, just back it up half a mo.  That there grass was green and mowed when I climbed in this thing an’ you did the flashin’ lights and sound-effects thingy.  And where in the bloody ‘ell did them skyscrapers come frum.  They wasn’t in mah bleedin’ front yard when I came outta the house a few minutes ago.

Where are we?
Wha’, “When??”  Right now!
“When are we??”  Like we moved in time, like?
We did?  How’dya know?
“The lights and sounds did it, and you made ‘em?”
How could you do that??!
“Cuz yer thuh doctor?!”




Go to Rochelle’s Addicted to Purple site and use her Wednesday photo as a prompt to write a complete 100 word story.

31 thoughts on “Flash Fiction #75

  1. Dear Archon,

    I suppose this would be clearer to me if I actually watched Dr. Who. 😉 Fun dialect.




  2. Dale says:

    My nieces keep bugging me to watch Dr. Who. Guess I’ll have to put it on my to-watch list!!
    This was a fun read.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. BrainRants says:

    Never would have pegged you as a Whovian.


    • Archon's Den says:

      That’s an odd thought. I devour all sci-fi (with the exception of the Battlestar Galactica reboot). We ran into Dr. Who just before John Pertwee morphed into Tom Baker. Used to watch it
      When we switched to satellite dish 15 years ago, the only station we get that carries it, is a PBS-type from British Columbia. The only time they seem to run it is when they’re having a ‘send-donations drive’, and you have to watch or record a whole season in a week. 😀


      • BrainRants says:

        Archon, you need either Netflix, a Chromecast device, or both.


      • Archon's Den says:

        We’ve talked about it. We have a Blu-Ray player which speaks Netflix, if we signed up. Perhaps first we need to redecorate. When we moved in, the TV/DVD-R/ Blu-Ray went in the nicely finished basement. I can still climb the stairs, but the wife gets weaker/stiffer.
        We have every episode of every show we like, recorded on DVDs – and we haven’t watched one of this season’s broadcasts. I hear that Blindspot has been renewed for next year, and all I know about it is what I’ve seen in trailers. 😯


  4. draliman says:

    Yay, more Dr Who! He’s getting quite an outing this week. I liked the chap’s dialect.


    • Archon's Den says:

      Many of Dr. Who’s companions have been female, from around London, intelligent, quick on the uptake, and even Billie Piper’s ‘Rose Tyler’ council-house character was clear-spoken, and easy to understand.

      I just felt it would be amusing to inflict him with a mud-mouthed Lancashire clod, so dim he couldn’t find the mill if the bus route changed.

      Even after years of watching the likes of ‘Dalziel and Pascoe’, I’m not sure I got the dialect right – especially in print. It’s close enough that I can declaim my least favourite quote; “Well, you know what I mean.” 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Bastet says:

    Oh I do so love Dr Who … and what an adventure it would be to walk out of a police-phone box and find my surrounding so different. Lovely write!


    • Archon's Den says:

      It takes a strong mind to deal with such a large, sudden change. My character doesn’t have it. Some of the things that the TARDIS door has opened onto have been quite startling, even frightening. Many others though….”Please sir, could I have some more?” 😕


  6. mjlstories says:

    My daughter (at 24) is still a great Dr Who fan. There are actually some really sad time travel moments in his adventures. You definitely captured the returning in a mo but everything has changed aspect.


    • Archon's Den says:

      It’s like children’s cartoons – aimed at the young, but with some very adult themes lurking in the background. My character is so dim, he’s surprised when traffic lights turn from red to green. Glad you liked it. 🙂


  7. I don’t watch Dr Who but I am familiar with The Tardis Well done! 🙂


  8. Sightsnbytes says:

    Dr. Who??
    Actually I know the program, just never watched it. Most of my students follow the show religiously.


  9. Good description of time travel to explain the image.


  10. gahlearner says:

    I’ve postponed watching Dr. Who (there are so many, where to start?) but I get the feeling I miss out on something good. Like this story, which is fun.


  11. I enjoy watching Dr. Who, but I wouldn’t want to travel with him. You can die if you’re not careful. I couldn’t see it when our dish company dropped BBC, but another channel picked it up. We started watching it when our kids were young. The special effects have really improved over the years. Good story. 🙂 — Suzanne


    • Archon's Den says:

      Dr. Who hasn’t ‘lost’ a lot of companions, but the feeling of risk and danger is still there.
      The special effects have improved, though I’m not convinced that’s a good thing. I still have a large store of imagination, something ‘kids these days’ are not supplied with. 😳


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