Flash Fiction #84


PHOTO PROMPT © The Reclining Gentleman


In Great-Grampapa Bollini’s village in Italy, everyone grew much of their own food. In the mountain passes north of Milan, every available square metre was treasured and planted with vegetables and fruit.

When he came to America, he declared, “Food is for the belly, but the soul needs feeding too.” He manages to grow grapes, as well as zucchini and beans, but beside the driveway out front, his daffodils trumpet the coming of spring, and urge the tulips to rise from the warming ground and spread their beauty for his eyes and ours.

Our souls rejoice when we visit him.


Got to Rochelle’s Addicted to Purple site and use her Wednesday photo as a prompt to write a complete 100 word story.

34 thoughts on “Flash Fiction #84

  1. oldentimes says:

    yes, we need beauty too!


  2. BrainRants says:

    In Korea, dudes will farm the median stripe on major roads.


    • Archon's Den says:

      Must be a bitch getting the tractor and plow up and down the ramps.
      In some areas of North and South Carolina, the works crews sow wildflower seeds along miles of center median. They don’t have to come back and mow, because the grass doesn’t grow, and it looks puurrty. 😆


  3. draliman says:

    A man who understands that people need more than to just exist.


    • Archon's Den says:

      I’ve read histories of European peasants during the Dark Ages. Just MIND NUMBING! The domesticated animals had more free time and entertainment – and respect from the nobles. A good horse was more valued than a serf. 😦

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Dale says:

    I couldn’t agree with Great-Grampapa more!


  5. mjlstories says:

    Not sure how I’d get through the horrible month of February without daffodils! A lovely story.


  6. The soul needs feeding too. It is as important as food for the body for sure.


  7. gahlearner says:

    My soul rejoices too at the image you paint here. 🙂


    • Archon's Den says:

      It’s a little easier to get to than the nice one you word-painted. One young local man applied for that one-way mission to Mars. The wife volunteered me, but I was turned down for possession of too much grump 😉 😀 🙄

      Liked by 1 person

      • gahlearner says:

        😀 Good for you to be turned down. I pity that young man, that’s a suicide mission if it ever comes into being. Now, ‘my’ mission is more conventional, with means to return and all that… 😉


  8. Margaret says:

    I like Grampapa’s philosophy. What a picture you’ve painted.


  9. I feel a little rejoice in reading this 🙂


  10. Lori Carlson says:

    Beautiful and inspiring! Loved this!


  11. Sweet, heartwarming story, Archon. Yes, that’s much better than the sand of fanatics. 🙂 — Suzanne


  12. Lovely story, so important to remember to feed the soul


  13. Dear Archon,

    Great Grampapa had the right idea. Well done and enjoyable.




  14. Thank you for stopping by and reading my post. I like your Great-Grampapa Bollini’s words of wisdom ‘Food for the belly but the soul needs feeding too.’ Our souls and spirit do need to feel inspired and uplifted and nature with breathtaking sunrises, sunsets, flowers, trees and fauna go along way in nourishing them. 🙂


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