’20 A To Z Challenge – K

Peasant Woman

If only the English, would speak English!  😯

As the developed World continues to advance, we have more information which needs to be communicated in the same amount of time.  The English language continues to adapts to that, and contract.  Already, we have more time to discuss Kardashian perfume or underwear or MENSA-grade husbands, because English is reducing, with @hashtags, 140 character Tweets, and initialisms, like LOL, OMG, YOLO, BTW, IDK, and IMHO.  Soon, we’ll be back to caveman grunts and arm-waving – Ungh, meat good!  Beer cold!

Contrast this with busy, unchanging, polysyllabic languages like Italian or Spanish, which need to add suffixes for gender and number.  Italian ‘spago’ is a string – no matter what that NYC restaurateur says.  Many small strings (of pasta), is spaghetti.  And even finer strings, is spaghettini.

A Spanish girl is a chica.  A small girl, or a loving, linguistic diminutive for one, is a chiquita that you’d go bananas for.  Chiquitita does not usually refer to an even younger child, but is often an affectionate nickname for a full-sized female.  All those syllables!!  😯  To see (or hear) an old Nona at market with her string bag, sounds like a language machine-gun, firing at about 12 syllables a second, wearing out her tongue, and everyone else’s ears.  Of course, her tongue will regenerate overnight – just ask any Italian husband.

Back in a time when English had a lot less to say, and all day to say it, was born the compound-word term


A witty, jocular, or ludicrous term for a wife, especially a critical or disrespectful one
supposedly another Shakespeare nonce-word, invented and first used in ‘All’s Well That Ends Well’.

Apparently he didn’t have time to also invent
Punchy-wunchy, or

I had heard that it was a term invented by Scotsmen, while shepherds watched their flocks by night…. or whatever they were doing with/to sheep in the dark.  They just took the term, and made it theirs.


Blowing his brains out

Why do Scotsmen wear kilts?
So that sheep don’t hear the zippers.  😳

I’d like ewe to stop back again soon, for another group therapy session.  😉

13 thoughts on “’20 A To Z Challenge – K

  1. shimoniac says:

    Okie-dokie, then. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. sudrakarma says:

    Blog, blogger, blogista, blogitini, and blogatanini; object, subject, male subject, female subject, and who the hell knows, respectively. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Rivergirl says:

    Meat good, beer cold.
    Is there really anything else we need to say?


  4. Another great post, although don’t you usually post a bunch of jokes on Mondays for your readers?


  5. 1jaded1 says:

    Thank ewe for posting another entertaining read on your bloggy-woggy. So many things to see (hear) here.


  6. Laughing! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) Yes, I herd ewe! ᏊꈍꈊꈍᏊ

    Liked by 1 person

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