Flash Fiction #118




Two hunnerd years ago, there’d be 20,000 buffalo out there. It’d take ‘em all day to amble past.

150 years ago, it’d be 10,000 head of cattle bunchin’ up, to be driven to Chicago.

Almost a hunnerd years ago, they built this here ROOT 66, ta get from Chi-town, out to Californie.  Any given day, there’d be 5,000 cars passin’, lots faster than buffalo or cattle.  Enough of them stopped here, to make this place a gold mine. “Last chance for gas for 100 miles.”

Them glory days is done. Nowadays, it’s tough to get a tumbleweed to stop here.


Got to Rochelle’s Addicted to Purple site and use her Wednesday photo as a prompt to write a complete 100 word story.


38 thoughts on “Flash Fiction #118

  1. Dale says:

    Ain’t that the sad troof. Things don’t always change for the better…


  2. Nick Anthony says:

    I really enjoyed the style/voice of this one!


  3. neilmacdon says:

    I liked the recurring use of passing numbers. That was clever


  4. Iain Kelly says:

    Great short amble through 200 years of history in 100 words, well done.


  5. BrainRants says:

    Despite the inherent truth under this story, parts of Route 66 are fun to tour.


  6. Dear Archon,

    The voice makes this a pleasant read from start to finish.




  7. Jim Wheeler says:

    I’m so dang old that I remember it. Or at least the last part. Hot summer driving trip down 66. No air conditioning, windows down. Evaporator cloth water bag tied to the bumper. Sweat. Passing trucks on the straight-aways, living on the edge. Going from bright to dim on the lights at night, bugs on the windshield. Flat tires and bumper jacks. Get a cabin for the night – inspect before you pay! Ah, those were the days.


  8. helenmidgley says:

    Loved the last line 🙂


    • Archon's Den says:

      Thanx. It just seemed to showcase the resignation. This story reminds me of my home town, which once had four small furniture factories. It now has none, and can’t even attract a McDonalds. 😦 😯


  9. Lizy says:

    Tumbleweed and tourists, don’t forget the tourists.


  10. At least there is the potential for some action… imagine the tumbleweeds would take root.


  11. wmqcolby says:

    Fun voice, Archon. Got started on something good, here.


  12. I have been to Tucumcari, Archon. Interesting town. I felt like I was sitting on the front porch of a general store having a pop with an old timer. You have an ear for dialogue.


    • Archon's Den says:

      Thanx. That’s nice to know. I wondered if the accent was more Alabama or Mississippi than New Mexico. I guess all old coots sound alike….except for me, of course. I have perfect diction. 😉
      Did you see this old shack when you were there? Do you know where in/outside town it is? I tried to find it using the overhead view on a map program, but it’s just too small to see unless you know where to look for it. I could bother Jean, I guess.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I don’t recollect it, Archon. I do know we stayed in some motel called The Palomino or something like it. On the subject of accents, when I was living in Phoenix, I was surprised to hear some Tucson folks speaking with Southern twangs. Someone said it could be a holdover from some of the Civil War families who were Confederate sympathizers. Apparently they happened to populate the area in the 1800’s.


      • Archon's Den says:

        I learn something new and interesting every day. It’s not really a surprise. I knew that a lot of Southerners moved west after the war, to get away from the Yankees. 😳

        Liked by 1 person

      • I didn’t know they moved to Tucson so I learned something new that day as well.


  13. Michael Wynn says:

    Great voice in this. When you mentioned the buffalo, I wanted to sing, where seldom is herd a discouraging word.


    • Archon's Den says:

      Look at that bunch of cows.
      Not, bunch, herd.
      Heard what?
      Herd of cows.
      Sure I’ve heard of cows.
      No, I mean a cow herd.
      What do I care what a cow heard. I’ve got no secrets from a cow.
      ….And Who’s on first! Thanx for the read, and the punny reminder. 😆


  14. You illustrate the passage of time very well.


  15. Life Lessons of a Dog Lover says:

    I too love the voice in this story. The last line was the cherry on top.


  16. michael1148humphris says:

    Do you really need a Mac Donald’s, the independent shops are often great. But I do understand, there are so so many empty factory’s and mills here. I loved the last line, it felt so right.


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