Inventing Christianity

I offer the following, as it was offered to me – for cogitation and contemplation.  I have found no official corroboration, nor refutation.  Christians who deny that their religion is not just a made-up one, can research this historical document, apparently composed and signed by Constantine, Roman Emperor and first, self-appointed Pope.   😯

A new consciousness of personal human dignity has emerged across our empire.  Men feel the infinite value and responsibility of a new life.  But within their realm of imposed happiness, a strange thing is occurring.  As naturally as they have rejected the former political structure, men have begun to seek a religion of a more personal nature.

It is admitted that when in recent times the appearance of our Savior, Jesus Christ had become known to all men, there immediately made its appearance a new religion, not small, and not dwelling in some corner of the Earth, but indestructible and unconquerable, because it has assistance directly from God.  This religion, thus suddenly appearing at the time appointed by the inscrutable counsel of God, is the one that has been honored by all with the name of Christ.

It is true that religion and civilization advance together.  But it is equally true that religious creeds and practices can often lag behind civilization.  We find that situation at present with the lingering of the pagan gods and the emergence of the new Christian faith.  We find a further example of this with the new Christian faith fighting within itself, so many varied views as to what should or should not be believed.  So many different ideas as to who and what is God and who and what is our Savior.

Any religion must reflect the pure ideals of the society in which it exists, its practices and sacrifices can only be as the general sentiment allows.  No new religion can easily claim the soil where other gods have long been worshipped.  To survive, a religion must have structure, rules, order, and, most important, consistency.  The following mandates are offered as a means to protect that which we created:

Always remember that an Angry vengeful God is preferable to a benign, loving entity.  We must Proclaim that Obedience and compliance with God’s directives is the only way to obtain eternal peace in heaven, while disobedience leads to everlasting suffering.  The fear of that perpetual suffering should be used to keep the faithful under our control.  The faithful can never forget that the only salvation from their fear comes from the Christian faith, its Doctrine and practices never open to question, their obedience absolute.

Sin is the mechanism whereby control will be enforced.  For the Hebrew nation the Ten Commandments, which Moses first delivered, have long stood as their basic tenets.  But we need more.  A list of sins should be created, a list that adapts to the times, each sin designed to instill fear.  There must be a clear belief that a failure to obtain forgiveness of sin places the immortal soul in the gravest of danger, with forgiveness obtained only through the Christian faith.  This concept should begin at birth with the belief that all men are born into the world with sin.  Never will they dwell with God unless there is absolution for this original sin through the Christian faith.

Many of the prior religions fostered a belief that when one lifetime ends another begins, the cycle never ending.  This spiritual immortality, this reincarnation is surely comforting, but the Christian faith will offer only one physical life and One opportunity at eternal salvation.  When that life ends the soul moves to either heaven or hell, both of which we must not only create but define.

Never can the failings of man be blamed on any lacking or deficiency in the Christian faith.  Instead an adversary must be created.  A diabolos, a spirit, a devil, who constantly poses challenges along the path to salvation.  All of man’s sins and shortcomings must be blamed on this devil, who is always present, always tempting, never relenting, with the only resistance coming from Christian doctrine.

No spiritual abilities can ever be tolerated.  Those who profess visions or an ability to speak with God are a danger.  As treason is punishable by death, heretical thinking and acts must likewise know the wrath of God.  Heretics can never be tolerated, their deaths a righteous calling, a warning to others that actions and thoughts contrary to the Christian faith come with dire consequences.  Killing in the name of God is not a sin.  Defending the faith with the spilling of blood is a duty we must never abandon.  (Emphasis mine – lovely religion, this Christianity.)

Religion expresses itself in terms of the knowledge of the world in which it exists.  If that be defective then religion likewise is defective.  Never be afraid to change.  It is the only way to survive.  But never be too anxious to do so, either.

Sacred objects are those things that man must not use or touch because they belong only to God.  Creating these, whether they be churches, places, people, words, or things, is essential to rooting our Christian faith.  Keeping them sacred through rules and punishments is equally important.

Priests shall become a special class unto themselves.  I am the natural choice to ultimately lead these priests, as religion is a vital part of politics.  The first duty of the state is to stay right with God and keep God on good terms with the people.  The priests’ duty is to keep the people on good terms with me.

Above all, the Essence of Christianity must be in loving God and following Him in faith, but it must also include upholding the authority of the Priests and believing in Christian doctrine without question.  On this objective we must unite as the conduct of public affairs will be considerably eased if we take this step.  Let us rejoice in unity.

Pontifex maximus
ad 325

14 thoughts on “Inventing Christianity

  1. Daniel Digby says:

    I was going to ask how many people would be needed to create this religion, until I understood that all that matters is a final arbiter.


  2. jim- says:

    Sylvester was pope during the ecumenical conference of Niceae. Constantine was a pope in about 708.
    This almost sounds like a satirical exposé—perhaps someone of the attitude like a Jean Messlier, but the document is a forgery from about the year 800.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Archon's Den says:

      Sylvester was the only Pope at the Council, that the Mother Church recognized. A Constantine was Pope later. If this document is valid, it does not refer to the Constantine Donation, because it does not give, but takes away.
      It shows the then-Emperor Constantine, muscling in on the Church’s protection racket for a big cut of the money and power. He placed himself above Sylvester by redrawing the corporation flowchart, with a new executive position at the top, and pencilled himself in.
      He signed it and appointed himself, not merely Pontifex = Pope, but as Pontifex Maximus = Capo di tutti capi de cosa nostra Christiana. 😯

      Liked by 3 people

  3. Arnold says:

    Hold this document up to the light of Jesus Christ. Creeds and beliefs are subjective interpretations whereas Christ’s coming is personal to you and me- if we’ll receive him.


    • Daniel Digby says:

      I’m looking forward to it, if you just let me know when He’s on His way.


    • Archon's Den says:

      Is this like an X-ray??! We’ll see the bones of the Christian argument? 😕 😯


      • Arnold says:

        What argument- he either redeemed us, or he didn’t. I either receive him, or not.


      • Archon's Den says:

        The arguments are, whether or not Jesus actually existed as a person – whether He was Holy – whether He was God/the son of God – whether He actually performed miracles – Whether He did, back then, what is claimed of Him – whether He can do, now, what is claimed of Him – whether He actually redeemed anyone. 😕
        There is no argument that you (and others) think that you have received Him. The argument is whether or not that claim is valid, and whether or not you have accepted it for good reason, or merely with blind, desperate faith. 😳


      • Arnold says:

        Why argue? it’s reported that Jesus said, “Go tell the world what just happened.” Not, “Go debate what happened.”

        There’s no argument the claims are unreasonable- they’re supernatural! Believe the good news and live so, or don’t.


    • RaPaR says:

      “Personal to you and me” means all thing to all people. Exactly what a grifter is, a con man. All religions is a con.


  4. Daniel Digby says:

    It’s also been reported that either Coyote or Chaos created mankind. Who could argue that either of these claims is unreasonable? I certainly believe that’s as credible as your good news. Since I’ve seen both of these scholarly books, they have to be true, and you can’t argue against them just because they’re supernatural.

    Liked by 1 person

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