’24 A To Z Challenge – E

I don’t mean to poke you, or put too fine a point on it but, the épée, also rendered as epee in English, is the largest and heaviest of the three weapons used in the sport of fencing.  The blade of a standard adult epee is 35 inches (.899 m, for those who wish to get stabbed in metric) – 4 inches shorter than my rapier – and that’s not a sexting joke.

All evasion and egotistic self-promotion aside, I wish to present you with a lovely word, well past its prime, and rendered technologically obsolete


Epic literature, particularly poetry – from the French – ėpopėe

In the classical past, they needed a word to describe the likes of War and Peace, a 900-page Russian saga whose first 150 pages are just the cast of characters, and their blood and married relationships to each other.  It represents an epic poem titled, Casablanca, which begins, “The boy stood on the burning deck.”  Some discussion occurred among scholars, about whether it represented faith and loyalty, or was a critique of blind obedience to social norms and morės.

It epitomizes the least favorite piece of literature that I ever studied, the poem, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, a grueling gauntlet of words, stretching over 145 stanzas, 7 chapters, and 19 pages – all to showcase the loneliness, and aloneness of long-voyage sailors.

People had the time to write these sagas, and read them, and discuss them.    All that changed when the Bluescreenitis plague ravaged the world, reducing intellect and attention spans to nil, and short-span Tik-Tok videos, and Instagram posts of a plateful of pork and beans became the norm.   😮

5 thoughts on “’24 A To Z Challenge – E

  1. Epic-length French literature, eh? Sure you didn’t forget to twin the “o”? 😉

    And E is such an elegant letter to start a last name with, as well. Earnhardt – senior, not junior. Eisenhower. Earhart. Einstein. And one that …. seems to have slipped my mind …. commonly associated with ….. Leif? 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Archon's Den says:

      The blogosphere is probably lucky I didn’t do a post about erection. But I’m an old guy, and I’d have a problem putting one up. 😳

      Liked by 1 person

      • If you need a bicycle pump for that post, I’ll be happy to send you one. Otherwise, you on your own, buddy boy!

        By the by, did you know I’m dead, twice over? John Erickson, a British gent who knew about fighting Russians on Germany’s Eastern Front in WW2, died in 2002. John Erickson, who was a German-American actor, died in 2020. Since I’m an American of (partial) German and British extract who (reen-)acted as a German soldier, often on the Eastern front, I figure I’m owed TWO death benefits, right? Right?!? 😉 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      • Archon's Den says:

        Would you settle for a like, and some more maple syrup?? 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hell. yeah! With the speed our government works at, I’ll get an official notice of death somewhere around 2145, earliest!

        Liked by 1 person

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