300 – The Rise Of Curmudgeon!

So, here it is, ten months later, and we meet again at Insecurity Junction. I made it to my 300th post, and all you lovely people accompanied me.

Despite it being intended as an ongoing retirement project for me, when I began this, I never “thought” that it would go on forever, because, as usual, I didn’t think about it at all. I just unconsciously assumed that I was full of snakes and snails, and rants and tales, and could blather forever.


Being retired, whether I publish or not, there will be no great changes in my life, until something other than life, happens. I’ll keep you posted on that. Maybe I should get at that obituary blog, just in case. Perhaps I could bare my soul to Benzeknees, and convince her to format one for me, or at least provide an outline.

I’ve plodded my way to the 300 mark, much slower and more markedly than many bloggers whose posts I read (semi)regularly, but I am finding many of them slowing down, some from lack of further inspiration, but many, because life has happened.

Sparklebumps is on her third job since I met her. She started a bit before I did, and posted more often, though now they’re farther apart. Her blog count must near 400, and she just mentioned that her followers finally equalled her posts. I guess I eventually learned how to attract attention – and followers. Mine equalled out at number 273, and are now well above 300.

BrainRants lacked bandwidth, and personal time, for a year in The Suck, and has been spotty since his return. An impending transfer, and the possible need to find financial support in the civilian sphere will do that to you. We’re all gonna miss him greatly, if he has to go dark.

H E Ellis’ big promotion, and the need to keep writing on her several books, has her posting far less often, and often reruns, and others’ work. Life seems to keep Sandylikeabeach off the grid for a month at a time, and John Erickson drifts in and out of medical and weather-induced blog-coma.

On the other hand, I have recently discovered, not one, but two, bloggers who have been at this for ten years. Not posting every day, mind you, but ten years! I asked one lady how many posts she’d published in that time. She didn’t reply, but I know it’s a lot more than my paltry 300.

New bloggers continue to make the scene, and old reliables slow down, or disappear altogether. AFrankAngle commented that the number of his followers continues to rise, but the visits, likes and comments don’t seem to increase.

I was set on this course by my wife and daughter, who saw it as a way to keep my aging brain sharp through composition and curiosity – that, and keeping me out from underfoot during my retirement. I have vapidly ranted and rambled about so many different things, that you, my beloved followers and readers, must be almost as addled as I am.

I don’t have the oomph and pizzazz to have things like being invited to join Stuphblog, or Long Awkward Pause, happen to me. I have been polluting Rochelle’s Addicted to Purple site by submitting little, hundred-word stories, based on her weekly photo prompts. I’ve surprised myself, if no-one else, with my concise brevity, and have attracted several new readers and followers. It’s been fun.

New thoughts slowly form. New viewpoints, sometimes of old happenings, are found. Occasionally, old vignettes, or pieces of my childhood history, are dug out of the memory vault. I continue to enjoy assembling chunks of the language to offer them to you, and I very much enjoy when you visit, and read, and comment, and discuss.

Like Erickson, sometimes I am distracted and don’t do the visiting and reading that my interest and good manners says I should. I am very happy that so many of you forgive that, and make my self-imposed seclusion less secluded.

If you good folks feel that you can continue to follow in my doddering footsteps, I am pretty sure I can get to 400, my next plateau. 400??! Pah! The sky’s the limit. Onward and upward. Excelsior!

Do not use with alcohol. May cause dizziness, confusion or blurred vision. Your senility may vary.

35 thoughts on “300 – The Rise Of Curmudgeon!

  1. BrainRants says:

    I have both bandwidth and a scalding case of the ass, so don’t expect me to go anywhere. I’ve merely dropped off the daily routine.

    The internet is better for your blogs, Archon.


    • Archon's Den says:

      WOW! Two compliments from you in a week. First, like my story of not describing ourselves as honest, I don’t actively think of myself as particularly well-mannered, but am pleased that you (and others) so regard me.
      Then, I don’t regard my posts as much more than a time-passing personal pressure-cooker valve, so I am honored to accept your objective opinion that they have value to others beyond that.
      Thanx for the support. 😈


  2. oh, stop worrying… I thought 50 was a lot, I’ve bested that by 15 times now… still no end in sight. You can do it.


  3. Life does have a tendency to screw up the best laid plans. Barring an unscheduled interview with St. Peter, I’ll look forward to reading your 400th.
    Bash on, Bud!


  4. whiteladyinthehood says:

    This was a very timely post for me to read this morning. I’ve teetered n tottered on the edge of quitting for about six months now. I’ve been at it for two and half years, less than 200 posts, and just a couple of readers. In fact, I almost pulled the plug on it last night, but the thought of “just being gone” sobered me up and I went to bed instead. (I still wouldn’t want to leave without saying good-bye)…though no one but me and my ego would give a damn in the end – it’s still hard to do!
    I’ve always enjoyed your posts, and our little joke references to Demolition Man, your remember when posts (my favs), and your open honest view towards religion (written with a good intent behind them). I hope you carry on (insert real name here) cuz I love ya’, Grumpy Dude.


    • Archon's Den says:

      As I’ve been told several times, quality is more important than quantity. Posting a blog, especially for those who do so daily, is a huge commitment of time and energy. I often wonder how many employers know how much their workers (?) steal from them.
      For us plodders, trying to force ideas can be vexing. Publish when you have something to say, even if it’s just for personal satisfaction – and a couple of readers. Do as Granma Ladybug does, keep the site up, and use it to troll (in the nicest way) writers like Rants and I.
      I (real name) fully intend to keep publishing, hopefully for several more years. A remember-when, handcuffed to religion, post will be up for Tuesday. Wednesday, perhaps another Flash Fiction. If I don’t like Rochelle’s choice of picture, I could use one from my files. Ew, ew, ew! 😯 😉


  5. I’m not sure if this is uplifting or depressing. I’ve just done my 50th post, and I seriously doubt I’ll live long enough to hit 300. Ah well.


    • Archon's Den says:

      While it’s nice to get followers and feedback, sometimes it’s just important to write to get things off your chest. It’s cheaper than a psychiatrist. Write what you want, when you want. Read other people’s stuff and go, “At least I’m not that F*%#ed up!” 😀


  6. Congrats on the 300th post, Archon! I always enjoy reading your stuff.


  7. Dan Antion says:

    I’m trailing you but it’s not a race. I enjoy reading in this place so I’ll be back.


  8. Jim Wheeler says:

    My own zeal for blogging waxes and wanes, going on four years now. I don’t get juiced over numbers but I do get a buzz when a comment reveals that someone has actually engaged thoughtfully with the concepts.

    After all these years I still find the minds of others both interesting and something of a mystery. As for your blog, Archon, I’ve found your candid observations on people and life interesting and useful. You see, I’m still searching for the meaning of life.


    • Archon's Den says:

      The meaning of life is closely tied to Religion, and seems different for each individual. Some wish to serve, others, to be served, yet others wish to quietly sit back, and watch the play.
      I read a short post recently about What Is Reality. I made what I thought was a cogent comment, only to have the author go all existential. “But what if there are lenses over Reality that we can’t see?”
      The reality is that, Reality (ergo, the Meaning of Life) is what we imagine it to be. I read a Sci-fi short story where Satan told a potential victim that “his soul” was really just in his imagination, and the mark allowed his imagination to be removed. How depressingly prosaic! Now that’s Hell on Earth! 😯


  9. Oddly, this mirrored my recent thoughts and observations. The internet is an amazing place, but also one that defies the rules as we know them. How many times do I feel guilty for not being as conscientious about keeping up with other’s who follow me. Manners still count but what is the norm??


    • Archon's Den says:

      When I had 20 to 30 followers, I visited each of them every day. This is still a small site, but I’m pushing 70 years old and have almost 350 followers. My Superstar blog-mentor has about 2500 followers. You can’t be everywhere at once, so you do what is comfortable, and try not to worry about the rest too much. This can vary from day to day. The ultimate answer is, “There is no norm, other than what you set for yourself.” I’m just glad you stopped and talked typed. Feel free to return anytime you’re un-busy enough. 🙂


  10. Not that you probably need any more awards, but I have nominated you for the Sunshine Award. Details are in my post: “CookieCakes, Sunshine and Sisterhood, Oh My!” (http://cordeliasmomstill.com/2014/04/20/cookiecakes-sunshine-and-sisterhood-oh-my/)


    • Sightsnbytes says:

      I wish I could be here more….but this job and the wedding planning have all but taken all my time away…did I mention wedding planning? Shouldn’t have. My lovely (and patient) ,missus is doing all the foot work on that one…I only have to show up….great post, always have loved your blog….now its to work I go


      • Archon's Den says:

        What would I do with a BIG lottery win?? Hire somebody to do everything except my blogging. Well….probably more than just that, but life does keep us busy at times, doesn’t it? I’ve been remiss in reading your (reduced) output, so I can’t complain much if you’re too busy to stop here regularly. What’s the Magic date, when the frog turns into a Prince? 😉 😕


    • Archon's Den says:

      Any award is a balm for my supposedly non-existent ego, and another chance for me to compose yet another acceptance post, even sillier than my usual. I’ll get the wife to dust off the end of the site’s mantel, and will be right over to pick it up. 😯


    • Archon's Den says:

      I’m pretty sure I went for this one, hook, line and sinker, but forgot to say thank you. Thank you, and see you soon. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  11. […] my 300 post, I mentioned, again, the fact that some of the long-established bloggers are disappearing, or […]


  12. benzeknees says:

    Thanks for the mention Archon! If you truly want help with your obit, I am always available. The family part is pretty easy (unless you have a family feud going on), I would concentrate more on what you’d like to be remembered for – your curmudgeonliness? your concise writing? your knife collecting? Think about it this way – if someone wanted to know who you were – what would you tell them about yourself? Where you were born, who your parents were, where you lived, how proud you were of your children? Those are the kinds of things to keep in mind when trying to create an obit.
    You’re slowly catching up to me in posting Archon! I just published 342, I think!


    • Archon's Den says:

      I just noticed that, while I gave you a mention, I forgot to give you a link. Sorry! 😦

      I was sort of joking about the obit post. I continue to shed personal information and feelings on this site, especially in the Q & A sections of award posts. Except for my first name, and actual address, my life is crystal clear, and fully published.

      I have few to none, in real life, who would bother to read a newspaper obit, but perhaps a Thank You, Goodbye, reveal-all version for my blog-friends would be a good idea. 🙂


      • benzeknees says:

        I think a good bye post would be a great idea for all of us to leave for our families to post in case of something catastrophic happening. I’ll have to spend about an hour teaching K how to post it here. 😉


      • Archon's Den says:

        Okay, will do. I copied your suggestions into a Word file as a guide. Once complete, wife, daughter and son all know how to lift and publish.

        Could you build a detailed infographic/instruction manual in a Word file, and tack it on your screen with an icon? “If I die, click here!” It could even tell K how to print it off, so that he could read and follow, as he performed each step.


      • benzeknees says:

        I will work on that – added to my To Do list!


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