A To Z Challenge – J

April Challenge

I know that I published some jokes for my A To Z Challenge, under H for Humor recently, but after that sick joke of a post for the letter I….

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Inspiration.  I’m going for a beer.  You’re on your own.

…I felt that you deserved a little more real humor, so for the letter

Letter J   I’ve decided to honor you with a few more Jokes.


Two blondes are walking down the street, when one of them finds a mirror. She keeps looking into it, puzzled.  “I just know I’ve seen that face somewhere.”

The other one takes it and looks into it and says. “Of course, you silly, it’s me.”


A lawyer and a judge went on a three-day deep sea
fishing trip. The lawyer who had never been to
sea before was green at the gills. He was
standing at the rail contemplating feeding the
The judge came up to him and asked if there was
anything he could do.
The lawyer retorted, “Yes. Overrule the motion.”


Q. What are the three types of men?
A. The handsome, the caring and the majority


Some people are sitting in a bar when one guy
says, “My name is Larry, and I am a SNAG.”
Another guy says, “What’s that?”
The first guy says, “That means I am a Single,
New Age Guy.”
Another one says, “My name is Gary, and I am a
A girl asks, “What’s that?”
He says, “That means I am a Double Income,
No Kids.”
A woman says, “That’s nice. My name is Gertrude,
and I am a WIFE.”
Larry says, “A WIFE? What’s a WIFE?”
She says, “That means, “Wash, Iron, Fuck, Etc.”


Q: Why is a lawyer like a pickpocket?
A:  Need you ask?


If Trump is the answer, it was a stupid question!


8 thoughts on “A To Z Challenge – J

  1. 1jaded1 says:

    Ha! Happy Wednesday. 🙂


  2. Sightsnbytes says:

    two blondes walk into a bar….you’d think at least one of them would have seen it


    • Archon's Den says:

      They were distracted by looking at that mirror. 😳
      I don’t understand the need to make fun of blondes. I’ve met some really intelligent ones….and some really dumb brunettes and redheads – of both sexes. Blonde jokes on the internet are so common, that I could publish them all day – some guys do. I’ll post the occasional one. 🙂


  3. Archon you sly dog, you! The wife joke made me fall out of my chair. Too funny!


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