Flash Fiction #131


PHOTO PROMPT © J Hardy Carroll


They say that university is a place to learn things. Well, he certainly had!  He’d learned that, next school year, he and his friend Henry would share a little, one-bedroom apartment, instead of living dorm-style, with 8 guys stuffed into a three-bedroom.

The increased individual cost would still work out to less than their share of the damage deposit that they would never get back on this one. No sir, the pizzas were on the ceiling when we moved in.

It had been an epic St. Patrick’s Day bash.  Not many Irish, although there had been some really green faces.


Go to Rochelle’s Addicted to Purple site and use her Wednesday photo as a prompt to write a complete 100 word story.


Click on the YouTube title link, to hear the Irish Rovers tell just what the party was like.


28 thoughts on “Flash Fiction #131

  1. BrainRants says:

    Pizza on the ceiling… heh heh.


  2. Liz Young says:

    In my early days as a mother we had chocolate cereal on the ceiling for weeks! Nice take.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Archon's Den says:

      John Denver cut his big toe for three stitches on dried-up, spilled Rice Crispies, milk and sugar, but for a real mess, you have to wait for kids to reach their teens, or early 20s. 😳


  3. Michael B. Fishman says:

    I don’t think I want to live with these two guys. Or maybe even spend time with them for that matter! Thanks for the smile (and the link to the song).


    • Archon's Den says:

      It might be safe enough to hang with our protagonist, and his buddy, but stay away from the lures and temptations of the rowdy partiers about to be left behind.
      Smiles here are free and frequent. Take all you like. 😀 Was the song just a reminder, or had you not heard it before?? 😕


  4. Life Lessons of a Dog Lover says:

    This was great fun. I liked the reference to the green faces.


  5. Dale says:

    Life in a frat house as depicted in countless movies/TV series.
    Fun one, Sir Archon!


    • Archon's Den says:

      My inspiration was somewhat more local. Apparently U of W and WLU are alcohol magnets. Partiers from Universities in Toronto, Hamilton, London and Windsor bus, train and drive in to join the drunken brawl. We have as many as 20,000 EXTRA students in the Twin Cities for St. Patrick’s Day. Whole blocks of streets near the Universities look like this each year. Like many of my submissions, this Fiction, is FACT. 😳

      Liked by 1 person

      • Dale says:

        Oh my GAWD! It must be insane…. I’ll make sure I stay away during the school year!


      • Archon's Den says:

        It’s like legalizing marijuana. There’s talk of police allowing drinking in the street, many of them do it anyway. It gets them off the roofs of the apartment buildings, and tiny balconies with 20 drunks each.


  6. Sarah Ann says:

    That really was a great party. Great read.


  7. granonine says:

    Great finishing line.


  8. Ah, college! The daring and careless years. Youthful reckless abandon. Judging by the looks of the room, it must have been an epic St. Paddy’s Day bash.


  9. Love the fun take on this prompt.


  10. Haha, this would be expensive. I can’t imagine the questions stopped at the pizzas on the ceiling.


    • Archon's Den says:

      It can get very expensive. There’d be no questions – only statements, “Learn to couch-surf, ‘cuz you’re out of here by the end of the month. Your lease is broken. Your last month’s rent will be retained for the cleaning fee.”
      Years ago, I saw a drunken young lad join a drunken party. The room was crowded, so he leapt up onto the furnished apartment’s coffee table, perhaps to shout for attention or to do an air-guitar solo. The four spindly, slanted legs all collapsed.
      If you’d like more of an idea what this type of party can be like, click on my Purple Jesus post, here, 😯


  11. Michael Wynn says:

    Yeah, that’s student life and accommodation as I remember it. Well written.


  12. LOL. This is so funny and par for the course 🙂 My son shared a five bedroom house for his last two years at uni. I remember the plaintive cry and the “We didn’t get our deposit back, but we cleaned the place from top to bottom”. It makes me wonder if they forgot to check the ceilings before the landlord did his inspection!


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