Alternate Fibbing Friday

Last week, Pensitivity101 was offering up familiar words and asking for alternative definitions.

1. What is a nincompoop?

Is it a person with constipation??  😕  I don’t give a shit.

2. What is a Tory?

He’s the privileged, rich-bitch, British Prime Minister who doesn’t have the Grit to do what is best for the country.

3. What is a gonk?

Gonk is the term for some of the (mostly) male students I attended school with.  Back in the Neolithic Age, there were no special schools for them to attend, or special short buses to get them there.  They just disappeared into the special Opportunity Class.

4. What is a pom-pom?

That’s the butt on any of the Kardashians.  I don’t know why people have started calling them “booty.”  Booty comes in a big chest – and that’s on the other end.

5. What is a hanging basket?

That’s the shot by an NBA player, that jams between the rim and the backboard, and refuses to fall in.

6. What is micropore?

It’s a short shot, dispensed by a cheap thrifty Scottish barkeep.  Och laddie, yuv had enuf already anyway,.

7. What is a posy?

It’s a really difficult question to answer.

8. What is a barometer?

It’s a new, computer program that my local just installed.  They don’t worry about last call anymore.  I had to have a QR code tattooed on.  I scan in when I arrive, and the electronic nanny keeps track of my time spent, beers ordered, and a call from the wife automatically gets me sent home to put the bins out.

9. What is a cable?

It’s a fancy, standout stitch that the wife is putting on a sweater for the Great-grandson, using yarn that the daughter hand-spun from Dorset sheep wool.

10. What is a fib?

It’s the lie that you get from the Beyond Meat company, when they claim that their plant-based pork-rib substitute is as good as the real thing.  At least it isn’t Soylent Green.  😮  I was seriously distraught when I researched that old movie, and found out that there really is a company named Soylent Canada.  What genius named that one??  It’s like finding that someone actually built a Jurassic Park  😳  What could possibly go wrong??  😕