Spinning a Yarn FF

Last week’s Fibbing Friday questions were provided by Jim Adams

Thanks Jim.


1.Rumpelstiltskin spun straw into gold in exchange for what?


2. What did humans do before the bobbin was invented?

The drunken sport of getting apples out of a tub of water without using your hands, involved spears.

3. What is the difference between knitting and crocheting?

In crocheting, you can’t use the cutesy pun, TINKing to describe unknitting stitches to correct a mistake.

4. What does a drop spindle do?

Dispenses liquid dough into hot oil, at the doughnut-ball fair food kiosk.

5. What does a painted pony have to do with a spinning wheel?

George Dubya said that he tried marijuana, but he didn’t inhale.  Barack Obama was honest enough to admit that he inhaled.  THAT’S THE WHOLE POINT!  If you can quote 1969 lyrics, you didn’t inhale, you didn’t drop out, and you didn’t drop acid – which might explain a painted pony.

Pedantic BTW:  The Blood, Sweat & Tears song doesn’t sing about a yarn-making spinning-wheel.  It refers to the constantly-spinning Wheel of Life.

6. If you stick a needle in your eye, does that show sincerity?

I have never seen the word Stupidity spelled like that.  I have let four doctors, on three occasions, stick needles in my eyes.  I Can See Clearly Now.

7. What was Barthélemy Thimonnier known for?

He was the famous opera singer that the Singer sewing machine was named after.  It was a much better marketing ploy.  Just imagine owning a Thimonnier.

8. What happened in the Golden Age of sewing?

Special clothing was made for King Midas.

9. What breed of sheep makes the best wool?

It’s a breed called “Pittsburgh,” developed by US Steel on a farm just outside the city.  My mother used the yarn to knit a Volkswagen.

10. What happens when the cotton field gets rotten?

You’d better not get sick.  You won’t be able to get medications out of their containers, because you can’t pick very much cotton.