Flash Fiction #119




It really was an unpretentious door. He remembered its far side, and thought of P.T.Barnum’s sign, “This way to the great Egress.”  Phineas said that no-one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public, trusting the unschooled to exit a portal they couldn’t return through.

This door did not conceal any cheap, threadbare sideshow though. Rather, inside were Peace, Joy and Escape, everything a man could ask for, only, not the Reality which men are forced to return to.

He smiled as he continued driving to his appointment at the rehab center. He and Reality had a date.


Go to Rochelle’s Addicted to Purple site and use her Wednesday photo as a prompt to write a complete 100 word story.


Click on the title to hear the doo-wop group, The Sensations sing about Let Me In, in 1962.

9 thoughts on “Flash Fiction #119

  1. Dear Archon,

    The last line adds a second chapter to the story. Well done.




  2. Archon – this felt like an episode of the Twilight Zone. I enjoyed it. It is tough to craft a story in 100 words but you did a commendable job!


  3. The Hook says:

    Amazing work, my friend.
    Wish I could channel your fiction-weaving skills.


    • Archon's Den says:

      Thank you. My weaving skills are so restricted that I only produce handkerchief-sized stories. Your observational humor tales, on the other hand, satisfy my people-watching obsession. Keep it up. 🙂


  4. Margaret says:

    I’m pleased he’s on his way to the rehab centre. And I like how you ended this. A date with reality is a great concept. I think your MC is going to do ok.


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