Definite Fibbing Friday

Melissa Lemay suggested words to Pensitivity101 from the Merriam Webster dictionary last week. Thanks Melissa.
How would you define these?

1. Narcolepsy

That is the irresistible urge that too many people have, to rat out friends, family, fellow students and co-workers for the slightest of perceived sins and social gaffes.  It is often noticed first in elementary school.  Miss Whittington!  Miss Whittington??!  Jason is drawing with a blue pen – not a black one, like you said to.  Too often, it continues well into their working lives, and doesn’t stop until the police and/or ambulance arrive.

2. Antediluvian

She was my Father’s ‘strange’, don’t ask – don’t tell, sister, back before ‘gender-fluid’ was invented.

3. Serrefine

That’s how the grandson describes the new, female, Jewish, foreign-exchange student in his calculus class, who looks like Gal Godot’s younger sister.

4. Guetapens

That’s a cold soup that Mexicans make, out of ice cubes and jalapeno peppers.

5. Promiscuous

This word describes the system that I use when I am trying to compose a post, or quietly read a book, and the wife discovers yet another chore for me to do.
Do you absitively, posolutely guarantee to empty the dryer when it stops, and fold all the towels??
You got it, Pontiac!

Promise her anything, but give her Arpege.

6. Tendentious

This word describes neighbour Bob’s driving abilities – or lack thereof – although I believe he’s up to 12 or 13 dents by now.  He hadn’t owned his new car a whole year, before he’d wrinkled all four corners.  Apparently he drives by ear, because he didn’t pay for the White-Cane option.

7. Kismet

He was/is the host of the old Muppet Show.

8. Autochthonous

This was drive-in services at the Satanic Temple, during COVID.

9. Macerate

This is what police officers might do to you, when they pull you over for speeding and/or dangerous driving, and you refuse an order to get out of your car.

10. Gladiolus

It was a movie, starring Russell Crowe, as a Roman general, sold into slavery, and forced to fight for his life in the coliseum.  It was a fairly good movie, and he was a fairly good actor, until he rolled over onto his Anti-Semitic side.  In vino veritas!

4 thoughts on “Definite Fibbing Friday

  1. Actually, narcolepsy is what all the Ohio doctors accuse me of – getting opiod prescriptions just because I’m a hype, thus using the system to feed my habit. Half narcotic, half klepto. Fortunately, I seem to have found the one doctor who does NOT look down my throat by putting his butt in my face. 😉

    Kismet – the sound and taste of sticking your finger into a live electrical outlet while wearing braces. First you just hear a quick kis, then you taste metal for a week. I know from experience. Don’t ask!

    Macerate – a particularly vicious form of self-pleasuring. Don’t try this at home, kids! 😀

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  2. 1jaded1 says:

    Nice wordplay on the narcolepsy. Know one, and I’m sure he wishes that was the definition….but then they’d have to rename what he has, something else. Macerate is a fun word. So close to masticate. Take Care, Archon. Happy Friday.

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  3. Thanks for playing along. Loved #2 and I’d gone with a Gladiator move theme too. See you next week!

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