Flash Fiction #99

Three Pigs

Thanks to Piya Singh for this week’s photo prompt


When the Big Bad Wolf blew down the house of straw, that Piggy ran to his brother’s house of sticks. The Wolf blew down the house of sticks, and they both ran to their older brother’s house of….??!

“Bricks are too expensive; I used free fieldstone; it’s much stronger!”

The Big Bad Wolf said, “I’m going to huff and puff, and blow that house down.”

The third Piggy replied, “Not today, bitch!” He stuck a 12-gauge SPAS shotgun out the tiny window and blew the wolf away.

They all lived happily ever after, with their feet on a wolf-skin rug.


I wanted to include a line about, “This State’s got a Stand Your Ground Law.”, but a word limit is a word limit.  You’ll just have to imagine it.  😆


Go to Rochelle’s Addicted to Purple website and use her Wednesday photo as a prompt to write a complete 100 word story.


32 thoughts on “Flash Fiction #99

  1. Interesting re-telling.


  2. Sightsnbytes says:

    funny how we both had the same idea…mine less violent than yours…lol


  3. mickwynn2013 says:

    That’s the modern world for you. Nice re-telling


  4. liz young says:

    Violent little piggies! Neat tale with a twist.


  5. Kayjai says:

    That’s how I would’ve told it. Only with more angst on the part of the wolf…he has (had) issues. Nicely done.


  6. Piggies with attitude – love it!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Dahlia says:

    Ah a new version of my favorite 3 little pigs 🙂


    • Archon's Den says:

      I’ve done a couple for an author friend with a charity, compilation book. About 20 writers, and I was allowed to rewrite The Hare and The Tortoise, and do an interview as a somewhat earthy Frosty the Snowman.
      Glad you liked this version. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. elappleby says:

    I love the 3rd pig’s attitude (and how you got that extra line out there anyway!)


    • Archon's Den says:

      What extra line??! Pay no attention to that man behind the keyboard. 😯
      I wanted to include the ‘Stand Your Ground’ line as current social commentary, but I also wanted to work in the piggies having their little feet up on the wolf-skin rug, around a nice warm fire. Turns out I didn’t (quite) have room for either. 😆


  9. Dear Archon,

    That’s what the wolf gets for being such a blowhard.




  10. Margaret says:

    A pig with attitude. Just what the world needs. What a fun retelling of the tale, Archon. I did a 3 little pigs rerun too! That makes three of us.


  11. Well, that was the end of that wolf. No wonder the nursery rhyme is a bit different. Although this version probably wouldn’t bother kids today. I liked the wolf rug touch. They only thing that might influence them is the protection given to wolves in some parts of the world. Humorous and well done. 🙂 — Suzanne


    • Archon's Den says:

      Many ‘children’s fairy tales’ are already vicious and violent. I just decided to bring this one up-to-date. That cabin may have been occupied by the local Breaking Bad bad-boy pig. 😛


  12. michael1148humphris says:

    Poor wolf, they were building on his patch of land, and the land of his father and so on. 😉😉😉


    • Archon's Den says:

      Well – he did say he wanted to be part of the land, and he is….humus, mulch, compost. 😯

      Porky Pig is actually working for Trump. In two years, there will be a giant apartment tower there. 😉 😛


  13. Dale says:

    Now that’s a fairy tale! 😉


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