Recovery Fibbing Friday

Pensitivity101’s short edition, just questions to lie your socks off to.

  1. What is an orderly? – No-one in my clan. Google Chaos, and the top result is our family portrait.
  2. What is an auxiliary? – Just like, in the UK, they say ‘arse,’ instead of ASS, In North America, ‘auxiliary’ is a euphemism for ‘axillary,’ which means ‘armpit’, as in Donald Trump’s renewed attempt to become the President of the United States has made Mar-A-Lago the political armpit of America.
  3. What is a clip? – It is both the haircut, and the $58 that Haircuts-R-Us charges mostly-bald guys.
  4. What does ECG mean? – It means that you’ve reached that point in life where you’ll have to learn a bunch of medical initialisms – EKG, CBC, EEG, MRI….WTF, DNR, and every name in your Little Black Book has DR. or MD after it.
  5. 5.  What is The Crash Team? – Three of the wife’s sisters.  They maintain their driving license, just in case hubby has a heart attack, but they learned to park by ear.  Back up till it bangs.  Turn left, right here.  Turn signals are for wimps.  I hear they’ve opened a training school for demolition derby drivers, and are the darlings of the local body shops.6. What is a candy striper? – The cake decorator who puts the special script on the icing.

    7.  What is an IV? – Four PM on a sundial.
    I’ve heard that the Government wants to ban Roman numerals….
    ….Not on my watch!

    8.  What is a call button? – A clickable screen icon for when you are playing online poker.

    9.  Why is everything white? – Because you’re having a near-death experience. Don’t worry!  Both Heaven and Hell have rejected you.  You’re about to get a cold reboot, (Thanx to a handy defibrillator) and things will soon be normal again.

    10. Why don’t they have biscuits on the tea trolley? – It must be a supply-chain problem, and nothing to do with the fact that I got a job in the kitchen.

Beware, Geeks Bearing Gifts

We were off to see the Wizard of White Eyes, minion of his better half, the Mistress of Mischief, Captain Chaos.

Quite aware that you can’t get the entire island of Manhattan for $12 worth of beads anymore, we only took along enough trinkets and trade goods to swap for a motel room for three nights.

The trip began with some free entertainment.  When we reached the border, we got into one of about eight lines of cars, waiting to be cleared by border guards.  Inch forward – inch forward…. From the rear passenger seat of the Honda beside us, a young, Asian female climbed out and stretched.

Then, from the shotgun seat, a young male Asian also climbed out, stretched, and spoke to her.  Next, the young male Asian driver climbed out and left his door open.  Finally, everybody rotated one space counter-clockwise.  The driver got in the left back.  The female moved up to front passenger, and the other male walked around to become the driver.  I had just watched a real, live, honest-to-goodness Chinese Fire Drill.

Ohio has a problem with drug usage.  Highway signs urge anyone with information about illegal drugs to call a special telephone number.  Small-town pharmacies near John Erickson’s home refuse to stock any opiates – fearing either robberies, or narc-raids.  They will not even order and dispense his Government-mandated migraine pain medication.  Knowing that we can be quite a pain in the ass neck, I obtained a couple of bottles of Tylenol, the strongest OTC pills available in Canada.

They were so sweet to allow us to intrude for a couple of days, so I brought along a half-gallon of dark maple syrup to top them back up to standard.  Captain Chaos says that she occasionally cooks with it, and even sometimes puts it in her coffee.  I don’t drink coffee, but I’m gonna try it in a night-time hot chocolate.

I am amazed that the occasional record store still exists.  Vinyl is making a comeback, though most of their sales are CDs.  It was regrettable that John could not find someone who could get an autographed copy of Idina Menzel’s book, at a signing in Chicago.  As a consolation prize, I managed to obtain a copy of her latest album release for him.  John Travolta badly mispronounced her name, when giving her an award.  Stores near John don’t carry it, because Amish and rednecks never heard of her.

As a thank you gift for our harassed hostess, we found a life-sized (for her) stuffed bear to add to her collection.  He is Crusader Rabbit’s friend, Crusader Bear.  Despite the strappy sandals, he’s not really a Roman bear.  He’s an historical re-enactor, like John.

That’s enough of me patting myself on the back for upsetting the Canada/US balance of Trade.  Just wait till I relate the mischief that we got up to while we were there.  😉

’18 A To Z Challenge – A

Challenge '18 Letter A

Charlie Brown

Aaugh!  Is it April again??  I just awoke from my winter’s hibernation, and shambled out of the Den, to find other folks well into the alphabet already. As usual, I’m off to a slow start.  Using my Great Awakening as a cheat for the letter A, I’ll make this one a theme-reveal post – “Theme” in only the loosest of senses.

I thought that I might use ‘Trope’. It’s a figure of speech that includes ‘interpolation,’ which is just a fancy word that means the (sometimes)nonsensical non-sequiturs covered by the promised rambles inside some of my rants.

I decided instead, to go with Chaos And Confusion.  I provide the chaos, and you are confused.  This is completely different from last year’s theme, which was Confusion And Chaos, where you were confused, and I provided the Chaos.  Got that all straight??  Good, now explain it to me.


Alms! Alms for a hungry beggar!  Hungry for inspiration – not food.  (Have you seen my tummy recently??  Happily, NO.  My belt size threatens to become greater than my IQ.  [And there you have the first of my non-sequitur interpolations.])

If any of you have a word or theme, for any letter, that you think would be safe to let me loose with in public, feel free to submit it.  I would welcome all suggestions.  I can do serious research, or just my usual, disorganized babble.

Please stop back again soon for a post that doesn’t use any letters of the alphabet, but definitely in two weeks, when I use the letter B to batter the American Bible Belt, and Donald Trump’s banality.  😯

Psychotic Relations


Some families are a little more tightly wrapped than others.  Even the best of families though, have a member or two who aren’t let out in public without a leash, or a minder.  Jimmy Carter had beer-drinking Billy.  George W. makes Jeb Bush seem like Mensa material.  These are the folks that we can look at (and snicker) and think of Jeff Foxworthy’s line.  “Compared to them, why, we’s dang near royalty.”

The recent publication of my Sunny Disposition Flash Fiction reminded me of the couple who inspired it.  In my family, it was my sister – half-sister actually.  My Our Mom moved to Detroit, and got married and gave birth.  Mom’s husband cheated on her, and when his daughter was born, abandoned them both.

I never met the man, so it’s hard to judge the nature/nurture ratio of her psychoses, but the totals were impressive.  They started when Mom took a divorce settlement, moved 200 miles back to small-town Ontario, and bought a house for them to live in.

By age 8 and 9, she was accusing Mom of “hiding her away from her Father,” despite the fact that her ‘loving father ‘ stood outside the house one day while she was at school, after his most recent girlfriend had dumped him, but didn’t have the nerve to knock on the door.  He knew where she was, but didn’t care.

It was strange that, when Mom remarried, she didn’t resent the new husband.  In fact she treated her stepfather better all her life than she did her real mother.  Then Mom gave birth to me, and three years later, my brother.  Soon the oft-repeated line was, “Wasn’t I enough?!  Why’d you have to have them?”

After my brother’s birth, a sickly child, requiring a lot of care and personal time, the new mantra became, “Those damned boys!  Those damned boys!”  Interesting language for a 13-year-old girl, in the 1940s.

Always headstrong, and constantly craving attention, she acquired a 21-year-old boyfriend and told Mom that, if she wasn’t allowed to marry, she’d just get pregnant and elope.  As the least of several evils, she was allowed to say “I do” a month before her 16th birthday.

She pumped out five children and a miscarriage in eight years.  The last, a 13 pound, 8 ounce Butterball baby boy fortunately sterilized her.  Children having children??!  She was far too immature, insecure and needy to raise kids.  She was manic/depressive back before ‘bipolar’ became the politically-correct description, and her co-dependent husband wasn’t much better.

“Up”, and drinking and having fun, and then, sometimes within an hour, one or both of them would crash, and they’d be fighting like two cats in a sack.  Both of them often sported bruises, cuts or scrapes.  She had to put four brands of Lite beer in the beer-fridge.  They were having too many ‘lost’ weekends.  She failed one suicide attempt.  After about 12 years of a WWE marriage, they moved into a house directly across the street from my parents – a blessing, and a curse.

One or another of the children would run across the road and yell,  “Grandma, come quick, Daddy’s killing Mommy!”  (Or Mommy’s killing Daddy – however the wind happened to be blowing that day.)  Mother would trudge across, and separate the combatants.

One night, the seven all sat down to dinner.  One of the adults(?) said, “The sky is blue,” the other said, “Fuck you,” and the screaming and yelling started.  He said something objectionable, and she tossed the contents of a water glass at him.

He threw a plate of meatloaf and potatoes at her.  She threw the gravy boat at him.   He threw the bread basket at her.  She threw….he threw….she threw….  The kids wisely scattered.  The oldest daughter came running across for the referee.  “Grandma, they’re wrecking the house!”

Mom said that, by the time she got there, the tornado had blown itself out.  He was sulking in the living room.  She was leaning against the dining room wall, trying to catch her breath, and surveying the wreckage.

There was ketchup on the 10-foot, white ceiling.  There was mustard on the hardwood floor.  There was bread tangled in the chandelier.  There was butter on the outside wall, and peanut butter on the inside wall.  Pickled beets were in the floor vent, and broken glass and dishes were everywhere.

As often happens with tornadoes, there was an undamaged jar of Cheeze-Whiz, inexplicably still sitting on the table.  My half(wit)-sister dourly looked at it, and surveyed the chaos.  “Well, you might as well join the rest of them,” and threw it against the kitchen door-frame.  “Now, we can clean up!”

And so, a 100 word Flash Fiction was born unto me – the normal one.  Don’t you feel superior now?
